My last days of work are near but I know I will not make it to my new job. I finally made it big after years of failed interviews. All of my experience at work has finally paid off landing a job as a golf course superintendent overseeing two courses. This is a dream job for me and I think about all of the things I will be able to do as I make plans for my new courses. Then there is the voice and the man. The voice is telling me that my time is near, not my death but my transition. The man he, is waiting for me on the other side he will help me, I hope.
I start my alternate plans and they begin with keys. I must gather all the keys I can because I know that they will work when I go. I have seen myself using them ensuring my survival. The only problem with the keys is that I
no longer have them. When I announced my resignation and started cleaning out my office my boss asked for them. I now have to get them back. I am not sure which ones I will need so I plan on getting as many as I can and storing them in the
pump house hidden away.
My coworkers and friends start to notice, that instead of being excited about moving into my dream job I seem
saddened. I simply chalk it up to nerves about the challenges of a new job. They are right I am filled with a
sadness that has haunted me my entire life.
I have the advantage of knowing what is coming. What happens after that it will be hard to tell. At leas I won't be an
unsuspecting hero. Hero that is a joke, how could I be a hero when I am all alone.
Work moves along at the usual pace the days quietly clicking away. The first set of keys I needed were easily
acquired. All I had to do was ask for them. Randy the
mechanic had multiple copies of all the equipement keys. He just let me go through the box and get what I needed, he didn't even bother to ask why I wanted a key to every tractor in the shop. The tractors might be one of the only things that save me in the long run. Who knows if they will even work. That sense of necessity is still there. I must gather keys. Keys to take and hide away in my
pump house. Everything must go into the
pump house. The
pump house will be safe from everything. That is the most important key of them all.
pump house is exactly what the name implies, a house for the pumps that run the irrigation system for the golf course. The heart of a golf course the pumps push water at great pressure all over the course. They run off of high voltage electricity and sit over what is called the wet well. The wet well is a hole dug
adjacent to the irrigation lake with intake tubes connecting the lake to the wet well. Water flows from the lake into the wet well to replace the water the pumps suck up. This particular
pump house sits under the cafe
espresso at
Grandover Resort. The cafe is a small half way house to provide drinks and food to golfers when they make the turn. Most courses return to the golf shop after nine holes but mine does not. So they built this little cafe to
accommodate thirsty golfers. The cafe will not make it, but whatever I can get into the
pump house will be there when I need it.
Two days of work are left and I still need more keys. The keys I need are in a closet in my bosse's office. There are hundreds of them and I need time to find the ones I need. I find my opportunity Thursday when everyone is engaged playing basketball outside of the shop. It is risky because everyone is so close to where I am. I have no other choice. Going through the shop I make my was into Kevin's office. It pains me to deceive him because he has always been so kind to me. There are very few people I would consider true friends that I would do anything for but he is one of them. It goes against so much of what I hold to be right and true but the need for keys forces me onward. Listening closely to what is going on outside I can tell everyone is engaged in the game and I open the door with the keys hanging behind it. I start scanning the sheets listing what all of the keys are for and quickly and quietly start removing the ones I need.
Suddenly the outside door opens and I duck into the next office and wait. It is somebody just getting a drink of water. I go back to the door of keys and continue picking out the ones I need. I have them all but one. The key to the lay down yard. The lay down yard is where all of the companies heavy construction equipement is kept plus a lot of building supplies. I keep searching. The door opens again and I can hear Kevin approaching. He did not open the door but he is coming this way. He always gets a bottle of water from the fridge in his office when he is done playing basketball. I slowly shut the closet door careful not to rattle any of the keys. Walking back throuth the other offices I hear Kevin unlock the door to his office and walk in breathing heavy as I leave the office ajoining his and walk into the next shutting the door behind me making sure it does not latch and make a noise. I smile to myself and start trotting throuth the mechanichs office and into the service bay and out into the main shop.